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The Fury said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

Who can the worlds most powerful man defend the earth from? 

Few things, it seems DC are going down a darker route that Marvel in their film adaptions. I guess they've done light hearted in their cartoons, films are the place to go for darker themes and in a way, while Marvel have always been more down to earth, they've also always been 'brighter' so to speak, DC is generally darker (ignoring the racism parrallels of X-men obviously... when they aren't having a game of baseball).

And in answering this question, Darkseid. Yet DC's issues still come from the power these people possess. Batman is the only 'human' in the JL in reality. A alien more powerful than anyone, a god woman, a guy who runs faster than anyway, a fish, a guy who can fly through space and create anything he wants from his mind. They are god characters and need a god like villain else people will just think 'Why doesn't Superman just punch him and end it?'


EDIT: This what you were getting at? Confused by the subject.

I dont think DC is necessarily darker, but in the realm of the justice league, batman is the only real dark and incosolably brooding member of the justice league. Marvel has many dark sagas where it seems like there is no hope. DC seems darker because the superhero most people grew up with via media content was batman. I think thats where the confusion sets in. The flash, cyborg, Green lantern, Arrow, wonderman...shazam even. These arent necessarily dark characters.