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I said that the sentiment of games shown 100 times over 3 years, because you have no other good reason, finally releasing is the reason someone won E3; inconsistent logic, and followingly a company blindly is fanboyism.

I said multiple times if you preferred what MS showed/didn't like Sony's games, that was cool. 

"I never thought of FFVII or TLG as great games" "How mighty fanboyish of you"

A snarky comment that is in complete contradiction to the two statements I've made above and in this thread. You're witnessing the embodiment of bitterness and salt, ladies and gentlemen. I'd be salty, too, if I made silly arguments, thinking they were "simple concepts", but were exposed as being non-sensical. 


And I know calling someone "salty" is a bannable offense. Don't care. Facts > forum rules. 

Moderated - Miguel_Zorro