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DakonBlackblade said:
Lawlight said:

Depends on the studio but we're not getting another quippy, Whedon-style Avengers movie. On the other end of the spectrum, we are getting more Snyder movies in the DCCU.

Im not sure what do you mean by that, that Whedon left because of AoU results - wich he didnt, he was gona leave anyway, that was settled before the movie even finished production - or that because DC have more Snyder flicks that they will somehow make more money than BvS without changing anything, wich is nonsensical since its arguable if even Justice League would have as much draw as Batman and Superman figthing each other along with the promise of setting up the DCCU and starting to form the Justice League in the same movie. Also if you mean that without Whedom Marvel should have less return from Avengers movies its also questionable as the Russo brothers directed the most praised Marvel movie so far (Winter Soldier) seen to have hit another home run on Civil War (early press screenings points towards that) and will be directing Infinity Wars.

BvS has oficialy colapsed on the international BO, made 7.6 millions on Friday from every international market put together, predictions put the movie at around 780M overall once the weekend ends.

TWS isn't the MCU considered to be the best - Iron Man is. Iron Man will be why Civil War will make a lot of money.

My point about Whedon is that a lot of people consider AoU to be a failure including the Disney execs. With the Russo brothers, Marvel are now choosing a less quippy route than previously.

In any case, BvS passed Man of Steel in NA and has passed Deadpool and Guardians of the Galaxy worldwide. Turns out that even with the smear campaign and sensasionalist headlines, the movie is still doing well.