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Mr Puggsly said:
potato_hamster said:An interesting experiment? The experiment has been done many times. Every single time it's failed.


Its been done many times? No.

Its never been done in the way I feel it should happen with 8th gen consoles.

I dont know if New 3DS has been a failure.

It has been done many times. I listed them off the top of my head. The N64 Expansion pak. The PSP with improved specs with every hardware revision. The DS/DSi. The new 3DS. There are probably more that I'm not thinking of. All of these have been commerical failures, or at very least the vast majority of game developers for that platform have ignored the additonal processing power. Of the developers that do, the majority of them are first or second party titles.

It has been demonstrated repeatedly that this incremental hardware model is a waste of time and money. Developers have no reason to support the increased specs, and consumers see no reason to upgrade since these specs aren't being utilized. It has happened every single time a console maker has tried it., and there is no reason to think that making the most expensive attempt at this model ever is going to succeed where the others have failed.

You don't know if the new 3DS has been a failure? Well if you look at year-to-year sales numbers for the 3DS, when the new 3DS was launch, sales picked up for the first two months that followed, and the immediately picked up the downwards trend it was continuing on before. It looks like the launch of new 3DS got Nintendo an additonal 500K-1M in sales world-wide. That's it. At those numbers, Nintendo likely took a loss when accounting for the R+D to develop the new hardware. So most people would call that a failure in the sense that it did next to nothing to increase hardware sales.