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LudicrousSpeed said:
BMaker11 said:

 that's fanboyism. 

Another novel of a reply laced with dramatic over thinking of such a simple concept. Again, not sure why it has you so caught up, but there's nothing fanboy about it. It's just good old fashioned common sense. You're welcome to disagree or have a different opinion, but to label mine in a negative way is just silly. Hope that helps. Try looking at E3 2015 individually and remember it's a year later look back. All this BS about past E3's and future E3's just shows you're either really reaching for substance, or badly missing the point. Either way it's boring and I am done.

LOL. Overthinking a simple concept. You act like I don't get it. You say they won because "more of what they showed has released". I understand that. My issue is that these games were shown multiple times in past E3s. 

You're the one "reaching for substance" because the only content in their conference that makes you think they old content we've seen for years (isn't E3 about new content?). Show Halo 5 at E3 2013, 2014, and 2015 and it finally releases in 2015. "Hey, they showed this game in 2015 and it released in 2015. The game they showed actually came out! What don't you get?".  

As if things like context just don't matter. That's why you want to "look at E3 2015 individually". Because looking at it in a vacuum is beneficial. But I guarantee you will shit on Sony for showing No Man's Sky at E3 2016 because "they've shown this game for years, don't they have anything new?" or something.....instead of "looking at it individually". Because, then, looking at it with context is beneficial (that kind of inconsistency in logic is also fanboyism)

You could easily juxtapose E3 2014 onto 2015. Because you think they won because games at '14 were shown at '15 as well and they released in '15 after being shown for years. You just won't say it because you know how absurd your logic is when it's broken down. Hence why you trivialize it by saying it's "over thinking". It's not "over thinking" to say "hey, Halo 5 and Quantum Break were shown in 2013 and 2014". That statement is good old fashioned common sense. 

But, I understand that you refuse to recognize the silliness of your reasoning, so I'm done with you too.