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LudicrousSpeed said:
BMaker11 said:

That's fanboyism.

I'm a fanboy because looking back on two conferences, I am more impressed with the one where much more of the stuff shown has actually been released and is good? Hilarious. It's really amazing how caught up on this you are. But please, keep trying to play chess while I'm happily playing checkers.

When the stuff that was released was old news that has been shown multiple times at prior conferences and they have finally released.....because that's what games do. They come out eventually. If you can't find any reason to give to say the company you support won, so you fall back on "well, we've known about Halo and Quantum break since 2013. But, they showed them in 2015 as well, and they finally came out. So, more of what they showed has come has come out, therefore they won", yea, that's fanboyism. 

When Sony inevitably shows No Man's Sky, Horizon, and The Last Guardian, and they release this year, will they have "won" E3 2016 because "more of what they showed is actually out".....even though they've shown those games for years (i.e. they had to come out at some point)? And despite, say for example, exclusive Ninja Gaiden 4, new Blinx, new Panzer Dragoon announcements from MS? 

"Oh, MS may have revealed all those blockbuster titles, but they aren't out. Meanwhile, Sony has released "most of what they showed", even though they were games they've shown us at multiple E3s; but I'm more impressed with showing games that were announced years ago, that I've seen a gajillion times, and they finally released, than I am with games being revealed that have been awaited for for years, so Sony won".

See how fanboyish that sounds? Imagine how silly I'd sound if, after MS makes some megaton announcement at E3, I say "Sony won because No Man's Sky comes out in 2 weeks". I mean, "games that they've shown are out" and MS wouldn't have any games out that they showed, at that time. Even though we've known about No Man's Sky for 3 years, it'll still overshadow MS announcements because the release date is around the corner, right?.

I'm willing to bet you'll be singing a different tune if GTA6 was announced XBOne exclusive. You'd be all about the "newly announced big titles that haven't released yet" and chuck "these games they announced years ago are out and playable finally" out the window.