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@dtewi - Personal attacks?

The entire thing minus the link was just an opinion, I'm questioning his opinion, and claiming it on a pedistal as fanboyism.

If you have something constructive to legislate around my comment about his opinion which in turn was nothing more than opinion then please let me know, for now your just trolling me on.

See how pointless that was? Which if you want me to make everything absolutely clear the title was nothing more than *LOOK HERE SONYS MAKING A COPY OF A NINTY GAME!*

Which when I read the OP was no more than opinion and spin doctoring.

So before this leads into some subjective (as this is all about opinion) debate about semantics I'm just going to say; you win, your right, ok ok fine.


I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D