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windbane said:
Heh, fun. Zen, you always have long posts. *sigh*

I'm sorry I didn't list every RPG, geez! I was just saying that I'm frustrated that those games haven't been ported already. I like JRPGs. I also really like SRPGs. I'm looking forward to trying out Fire Emblem when I get to that on my gamefly list.

I look forward to playing Mass Effect on my PC, yeah, heh. I've loved Bioware since Baldur's Gate. I've heard Lost Odyssey is derivative of Final Fantasy, which probably means I'd like it. I do want to try Eternal Sonata because of the music...hence my frustration with Namco.

I don't really consider Super Paper Mario an RPG...I rarely needed items. I mean, there's a "party" I guess and you level up...although I didn't have to worry about that once I found the infinite spawn at the pipe. It's still more of a platformer, though. I also didn't like the 2nd half very much.

At least the PS3 is getting Star Ocean 4, supposedly Eternal Sonata and Tales of V at some point, and eventually White Knight Chronicles and FF13 and Versus...oh, and Valkyrie for SRPG...and Disgaea 3...I'm sure I'm forgetting some.

I'm sorry you have to have a 360 to play RPGs, heh.

Yeah, man, it's cool. Just don't be hating on Lost Odyssey, like I thought you were doing by leaving it out and we're good, lol.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.