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Wyrdness said:
The way Link has been depicted in the games ever since WW highlights he's no longer just an avatar per say, he remains voiceless so the player can fill in the blanks themselves and connect with him but he's gone from being an avatar that represents the player to a character that the player uses their own imagination to fill in.

On the rumour and tbh I'm skeptical, for one Emily has been wrong and wide off the mark before, people say but Paper Mario well rumours of that game have been circulating for close to 2 years now they even came up before last E3. Her fellow leaker in the OP that Doctor Cupcakes wasn't he the one that got the whole Star Fox Zero delay thing wrong or was that some one else?

People have been expecting Zelda to be on NX since the platform was announce and the delay was suddenly sprung on gamers not to mention Super Metal Dave's leak has already given strong indication it's happening. When they say voice acting do they mean spoken dialogue or made up gibberish like in Okami or what Midna uses, even the grunts by Link have a VA so this is a claim that can easily be sidestepped if wrong. The claim that players choose the gender of the character has me skeptical especially as Aonuma indicated the's no female Link in an earlier statement, unless the is a female character who helps Link every now and then I don't believe this part.
