Scoobes on 08 April 2016
potato_hamster said: For those of you that have been tooting the UWP horn, and raving about how easy porting games between X1 and Windows 10 has become as a result of this ultra-powerful set of development tools: "This is a drum we cannot beat loud enough - the Universal Windows Platform architecture is a huge issue for the PC right now. There are problems with this game, such as frame-pacing, which could be fixed by users right now but that becomes impossible due to UWP’s limitations. In the case of Quantum Break, this means that we’re basically held hostage waiting for improvements from the developer or from Microsoft itself, as if this were a console game. In a perfect world, games would ship without any issues, but that just doesn’t always happen, which is why it’s so important for PC gamers to have the option to work around these problems with established tools and GPU control panel options. Also: bonus points to UWP for overwriting our Xbox One completed game save with fresh PC data instead, eliminating our existing progress completely." |
There have been people doing this?!