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Wright said:
Ultrashroomz said:
Not sure how I feel about the whole playable female, seems like a feature that would be shoehorned for something like Zelda just to please the audiences that can't accept that not every game has to have a female protagonist.

Voice acting part is huge though, and would certainly be a good step for the Zelda series


But, couldn't you also say that the voice acting seems like a feature that would be shoehorned for something like Zelda just to please the audiences that can't accept that not every game has to have voice acting?

Why can't be the voice acting the controversial part, and the playable female a good step for the Zelda series?

Playing with a female would be a good step for the series if the character was new,like the daughter of Link and Zelda,or Zelda herself but Link with boobs is pointless