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o_O.Q said:
the truly ironic thing is that feminists don't realise that in doing these things they are oppressing women who have the characteristics they are trying to erase from media

what does this complaint say about women who might look like character and have behaviors similar to ones she has? does that instantly just render them down to bland sex symbols also?

or is it perhaps possible for a human to be sexual along with other attributes?

feminism has actually gotten to the point now where it is actively oppressing women lol

The complaint was that the pose did not represent the character more than its sexual or non-sexual look.  I am thinking you never met a feminist.  They do not have a problem with women being sexy or even showing women being sexy.  It’s the portrayal of women only in those  stereotypes they complain about.  Meaning that if a game only show just those characteristics then it is stereotyping when as only being sexual interest for men.

The more I think about this who subject, I would say Blizzard pretty much got a whole lot of attention for their game which releases pretty soon for nothing.  They made one statement they are changing the pose and everyone when bat sh*t cray.  Now they show their change and it does fix the character exactly as they stated and retains pretty much everything else (they probably was going to change it anyway).  Blizzard pretty much played all of you and you at it up like a champ and they still come out smelling like a rose.  Well Played Blizzard, Well Played!!