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Soundwave said:
Pavolink said:

Are you sure its better than the prequels, or are just another SW fans that wanted to have the same OT. Because that's different. I for one, can mention a lot of TFA faults.

Prequels can have bad direction, overuse of CGI and cringeworthy dialogue, but nobody can deny that not only expanded the SW universe, but also was consistent un many aspects and most importantly had a story.

Jedi Council, Coruscant, wars, Senate, invations, Jedi knights all around the galaxy, a complot to destroy the Republic and Jedi.

Now, TFA? Nothing. Reused plot of A New Hope. Zero expansion. Zero new ideas. Zero new effects. Zero plot.


We saw at the end of ROTJ how everywhere was celebrating that the empire was down. Coruscant, the Imperial Galactic Capital was throwing fireworks and destroying Palpatine's figure, but somehow, 30 years later the guys that won in a majestic space battle and celebrated are called "The resistance". If they are just the resistance, that means the First Order is once again controlling the Galaxy. How did they do that?


Now move onto the next flaw. Flat characters, perfect main character that can control the force at her pleasure and ridiculous jokes among them. Have you ever fly an spaceship? No, but who cares, I can now fly like a pro de Millenium Falcon! Han Solo is a joke compared to me! You hear that Luke? You can't despite being one great pilot!

And the fun continues. Anakin, the chosen one, the one trained by a Master Jedi in a better era, took 10 years of hardtraining to become a notable padawan. Luke had to train for three years to confront a Vader that was toying with him, and even that he loses. But in TFA universe screw that! Just touch a lightsaber and instantly become a Master Jedi!


The post is already long and only mentioned a couple. Definitely, TFA is getting lower and lower every minute it passes, and the turn around people is having after the hype passes is getting better and better.

The prequels had lots of story potential that are completely undone by terrible directing, writing, and lack of any human element in the films. That's part of what makes the prequels more painful than anything, they actually had potential that's completely squandered (stop it Lucas you're breaking my heart!).

Yeah, ok there's new planets like a green one with giant mushrooms. Whoopity doo. If Force Awakens changed the forest planet to one with giant chocolate balls floating around does that make it a better movie? 

TFA is a good film, not a great film though. I'd put it like this 

Tier A (The Highest Tier Fantasy/Action Movies, All Classics) - 

Star Wars OT, The Lord of The Rings Trilogy, Terminator 2, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan, The Matrix, The Dark Knight. 

Tier B (Good to Very Good Films) - 

Jurassic Park, The Avengers, Avatar, Harry Potter, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Captain America Winter Soldier

Tier C (OK to somewhat meh) - 

Iron Man, Captain America, The Dark Knight Rises, Jurassic World, Star Wars Episode III

Tier D (Horribly Dissapointing) - 

Star Wars Episode I, The Hobbit Trilogy, The Matrix sequels, Jurassic Park II & III, Indiana Jones IV

Tire D Plus (So crappy it borders on self parody)

Star Wars Episode II, Batman & Robin

So you believe Prequels are bad, but TFA is good? Despite the tons of plot holes, nonsense story continuation, cheese dialogue, bad effects, terrible writing and recycled plot?

Oh, but it has Luke, right?

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