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This forum is probably not the right place to discuss such things but there is a relation to muslims and crime. The sad thing is that nobody really wants to do studies how they are related.
Is it a religious issue? Or a cultural issue? How is religion dependand on culture and vice versa?
Is it just a coincidence that muslims are seen as more aggressive? Is it just prejudices or do people who have experiences with muslims in Germany for decades already judged about these people? Or when it's not a coincidence, is there a causality involved? All questions which are not addressed in the public.
I can't even count anymore how often muslims were the topic of talk-shows and in the end it's always "don't generalize because not every one of them is criminal!" and by stating exactly this, we are preventing a discussion since years and nothing changed - no immigration effort from both the government and many that go to European countries.