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Actually Nintendo position on this subject is in line with just about any big corporation. There is a quote from this woman where Nintendo came to her and asked her to not tweet about the rap subject and she refused. She put Nintendo in the situation where they had to either support her position or let her go. Putting your employee into a position to support a subjective public opinion is not the smartest thing to do and it leads to termination which was the result. Nintendo just like any corporation do not want any part of public discussion on such subjects where they are then put into a place to support unofficial statements.

Also its not like Nintendo just upped and fired her either. When this stuff started to get out of hand they moved her from her current position and placed her in a new role. This was a clear sign to her that Nintendo did not want to be a part of her public opinion on the subject. They came to her and asked her to stop posting on the subject. After that they fired her because she wanted to continue her crusade.

Nintendo gave her an opportunity and she made the choice to continue her crusade. This firing was not something that came out of nowhere, she knew her actions were leading to this result.