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Wright said:
hershel_layton said:
Why are people so obsessed with this? I mean, it's ridiculous!

I'm Arab, and as we all know, Arabs are pretty much rarely shown in video games. DO I COMPLAIN? No. I do not complain. I realize that if all we do is whine because our stupid little feelings are hurt, then we'll get no progress done. I don't care for arabs to be "appreciated'' more in the video game world. Come on. We've purposely made games like this to escape reality. Why do we need to bring them down to earth?

I mean, Jesus flipping Christ. People will blow up at you for saying or doing anything that doesn't go 100% with their viewpoints.


It's not obsession. It is a problem that needs to be adressed.

Maybe you're comfortable with the misrepresentation of arabs in videogames, but the Transgender collective is fed up being always ignored. They're also part of those consumers that make the videogame business thrive and succeed. So, it's only fair that they get the spotlight every once in a while, don't you agree? You should read the full article in the source, it adresses the importance of a transgender protagonist with factual points and solid evidence.

No one is blowing up here, people is just asking for change. Nothing wrong with that, no one is holding up Anouma's family hostage and demands that he changes the main character.

I read it. My criticism was on a whole though. Not just to transgender(they do have it bad), but other people that demand everything is diverse and have all groups feel represented. 


The only reason I don't want it for Link is because Sheik would be a more matching character. Makes everyone think she's a boy(even though she isn't in OoT).


Also, the article had problems. First off, nintendo never dealt with otherkin. There's a difference between transforming into a badass animal and otherkin.

Secondly, Anita Sarkeesian. Saying the typical audience is "30 year old white[caucasion] males" is absolutely dishonest. Do you truly think the majority of Nintendo's audience is above 30, let alone 25? Most of them are teenage-young adult men and women who love their games for original gameplay. You'll find the "white men" elsewhere, not at Nintendo.

Also, look at the wording. She's so biased it's to the point where I'm cringing. The article is portraying Nintendo as some big, bad villian with the fired worker(who I have nothing against) as some angel that got pursecuted by Nintendo.


Adding on, I'm quite sure Nintendo has their own reason for not making any of their current characters transgender- they just never felt the need. As I said, this is video games that we're talking about. Not everyone will be happy. But guess what? Link isn't a white male with white privilege. He's a dude that's an elf(I think).

YET, the reason why I never saw the need for Link being transgender is because most of the Link's from the LoZ franchise look extremely masculine and male-like(especially the voice). The Wii U version could make him look like a girlish boy/boyish girl to allow people to pick whatever the heck they want Link to be. Male, female, transgender male, transgender female...See what I mean?




Link is Nintendo's golden character(well, one of them). I'm pretty sure Nintendo will do whatever they can to keep it like that, now what I mean? They probably know what to do for the best.



12/22/2016- Made a bet with Ganoncrotch that the first 6 months of 2017 will be worse than 2016. A poll will be made to determine the winner. Loser has to take a picture of them imitating their profile picture.