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anamme said:
I am decidedly pro-abortion. As a man, I have no idea what a woman goes through during her pregnancy; it's her body, let her decide, since she's the one who has to carry it to term.

It's too difficult to consider on a case-by-case basis, what were the circumstances that led to the pregnancy, what is the woman's economic situation like, what would the environment be like for the baby at home, etc. So if a law had to be instated, I'd rather it was step towards managing population crisis at least. Do we want women who don't want the child, for whatever reason, to be forced into having it anyway?

Sorry maybe it's too simplistic on my part, but I would never side with a known misogynist like Trump on women's issues.

The women gave up the choice to decide about her body when she did not protect herself from being pregnant.  People say we are in a progressive society but forget that we also are accountable for our actions.  So it stop being about the woman once she became pregnant and started to be about her and her unborn child.  Abortion is the easy cop-op excuse to not own up to your mistake, especially today where there is a lot of contraceptive.


Even your logic does not make sense.  None of that stuff matters if you believe you are snuffing out a life because you do not want to deal with those situations.  You killed the potential of a human being for a selfish resolution to a problem.