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EaglesEye379 said:
Im glad I see posts like this. It is a HUGE breath of fresh. Lately, I have been hearing things like:

'Look there are no JRPGs for PS3 at the moment, so I should focus on WRPGs now, God forbid I buy the 360, even though there are a lot of games in my favourite genre there I really want to play!'
'OMG look at Resistance 2, Killzone 2, SOCOM, Haze, cant wait! (but I will ignore the fact that I have labelled the 360 a shooter box all this while)'
'Look at this confirmed rumour of BioShock, ToV, Mass Effect coming to PS3! No reason to buy a 360 now! Even though it is in the rumour section or in one rumour-mongering magazine, its confirmed!'

Sorry guys, just had to rant a bit, Ill stop now.

But yeah, you are a breath of fresh air.
Excellent post EaglesEye379, I have been saying similar things for months now. I am so sick and tired of hearing PS3 owners whining about when ES is coming out or when ToV will hit PS3. Or why this RPG isn't coming to PS3, if you are fawning over more games for a console that you don't own than the console you do own. You obviously made the wrong choice.