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Well personally I've always been a 2 console guy, I've bought my Nintendo console first every gen, and right now I am enjoying seeing the idiotic fanboys hold onto their illogical bias for their brand. Personally I tried to talk to Sony fanboys for the past two gens with logic and reason, if you brought up a good game and it was Nintendo made it was automatically kiddie and stupid, I hated trying to have an intelligent conversation with people that had no freaking clue what a good game was and those people flocked to the dumbest games ever made and made them multimillion sellers.

Being an old school gaming vet it was like seeing the end of good games, PS1 was a horribly made console compared to past consoles (failure rate), power not even close to par with the N64 back when power was needed to make a good 3D game (now its only used to make a game pretty/physics), and it was full of half assed games that actually sold, but all that was due to having a new crowd come into gaming that never played games before (the jocks, frat boys, etc)

Come PS2 era those horrible games actually improved but instead of the devs actually trying to make a new idea or concept like devs used to do back in the day it just turned into who could make the biggest bloodbath and call everyone else lame in the process, that gen was full of very stupid, very bland, and immature games.

Pretty much if you tried to say otherwise everyone would say how their console was winning and games sold better (facts you couldn't dispute but logically any gamer in the days of old could see the path games were taking which was a very bad one) but I was trying to be a voice of reason on both sides while still trying to educate some people by helping them understand what a good intelligent game was, but this was the same crowd that had not been in gaming for too long and were full of illogical reasons which they all used to fight you with, and it all got very annoying.

And now you have those same people try to do the same thing for PS3/360 and you have facts to make their opinions null and void, so simply I say that logic has finally won, and its sweet to rub a few idiots noses in it.

(BTW I am buying a PS3 when I can as I said I'm a 2 console kind of guy and I love MGS so I'm not a fanboy just a fan of Nintendo for real reasons not just blindly following like a fanboy would do so don't start the "you're such a fanboy" crap =P)

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000