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windbane said:
One cool thing about the Wii is that the going rate for it doesn't drop. You can still sell it on ebay for $300+.

Namco Bandai keeps hinting that Tales of V and Eternal Sonata will end up on PS3 but until that happens the 360 does have some decent RPGs that the other systems don't.

Hum...I guess Fire Emblem is the only decent RPG on the Wii? That could be SRPG, though...I haven't played it yet.

Windbane, I have a couple of huge problems with your post.


A. I can understand you not mentioning Mass Effect because of PC, but come on, what about Lost Odyssey. That is one of the best JRPG's ever, imo, and you go ask anyone around here, they can tell you, I'm pretty into JRPG's and I'm not excatly friendly towards the Xbox 360, lol. Maybe you just didn't play it or went by review scores, but I think ES got just as bad of review scores as LO, and it is amazing as well. So, which one was it.


B. Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn is my favorite game so far this gen. You'll find a huge following for the game here on VGChartz. That said, several critics panned it as being derivitive(like LO and ES). Those critics aren't fans of this genre of game. It's a SRPG.

The Wii also has 2 other really great/high potentialed RPG's out/coming out, which are Tales of Symphonia 2, and Super Paper Mario.

You'll find a few more on VC, but overall the Wii doesn't have many JRPG's either.


The PS3 has virtually none.

That's one reason I resent it.

I expected the Wii to have little very little RPG action, but it already has 2 classics out for it, while I expected the PS3 to be racking rpgs up and destorying the competition. So far I have just been playing my PS2 and Xbox 360. You have no idea how much I hate having to own an Xbox 360 to play JRPGs on. It's a love/hate relationship.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.