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Lawlight said:
DakonBlackblade said:

I dont know about that, since I have 0 info regarding this I wont comment on it. All Im gona say is Warner expected the absolute minimum BO income from this movie to be 1 billion, anything bellow that is a failure and even if it does just 1 billion it was just pasisble. We are talking about a movie with both the most popular Super Heroes on the planet comming out on the dawn of the Super Hero movies, it was suposed to be able to do over 1.5b maybe even 2b.

No, they expect the movie to make a profit, which it already did. Warner estimated the opening week-end to be $140M and it exceeded that so don't try to come up with BS numbers like $1.5B or $2B.

Thats not realy how movie business work, investors know the potential something have and expect that something to live up to it. If Iron Man 3 can make 1.3 B what do you think ppl were expecting this movie to do ? Warner was hopping to do at least Age of Ultrons numbers, realistic if the movie was actualy good it could easilly do 2B.

Also movies that are profitable have to be profitable enought to cover the movies that aren't, most movies aren't profitable. So when these studios release these hughe movies they expect it to do realy well. Also its still highly uncertain that your statment that it already made a profit holds any water, from what I know 007 SPECTER, wich costed less to make, only started being profitable at the 700 M mark more or less. I also read somewhere that the money made with the deals you talk about is generaly spent in its entirety with marketting for the movie itself.

The movie will make a profit thats certain but no amount of damage controll can cover the fact that a Super Hero movie, at the golden age of Super Hero movies, including the 2 most popular super heroes in the planer doing less than Iron Man 3 is a failure. No investor on the planet will be happy with that.