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AEGRO said:
Mr Puggsly said:

A console doesn't need to achieve the sales of the last platform to success. For a example, Vita selling 40 million would have been a great success. Wii U selling 50 million would have been a success. 3DS is doing well even though it has sold significnatly less than DS. PS3 sold well even though it was significantly less than PS2 (but it lost billions of dollars).

X1 sales have been steady YoY thus far. Also, lets take into consideration much of the 360's success came from horrible decisions made with PS3. Now PS4 is benefitting from bad decisions made with X1.

Has the Xbox Division made any money ever? I honestly dont know, i remember that i read somewhere that it never has made a penny for Ms.

If it never made money selling 90million consoles the gen before, id say that this gen it wont be making any money neither.

Drastic changes will happen, as far as i know, the PC fusion has affected the Xbox brand tremendously.

Haha Xbox rack in millions for MS. Why do you think there able to continue making consoles for the past 3 generations? Not only does Xbox software sells more than Sony's, Xbox Live is the money maker. Which isn’t included in Xbox's financial statements. Why do you think Sony followed Xbox’s online network structure? Because Sony have been struggling to make profits on most of their own systems and to top it off, Playstation’s own exclusives sell the least amount compared to Nintendo’s and Xbox’s.

The profits in the gaming industry has never been about selling the most hardware, it’s where the software and paywalls are. Why do you think Xbox want a pie of the PC market space? Because its where the most software sell.