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Mr Puggsly said:
AEGRO said:

Well, i honestly didnt see any comparison early on, but the current sales are clear enough.

The Xbox One will never achieve the Xbox 360 sales, not even close.

Why is it that the Xbox One having "The Best Line-Up in the Entire History of the Xbox Console Family" (for 2 years in a row) is struggling to keep the pace of the 360?

It started great saleswise, but now? Not so much. Why is that?

A console doesn't need to achieve the sales of the last platform to success. For a example, Vita selling 40 million would have been a great success. Wii U selling 50 million would have been a success. 3DS is doing well even though it has sold significnatly less than DS. PS3 sold well even though it was significantly less than PS2 (but it lost billions of dollars).

X1 sales have been steady YoY thus far. Also, lets take into consideration much of the 360's success came from horrible decisions made with PS3. Now PS4 is benefitting from bad decisions made with X1.

Meh, I'd say the 360's success was through its online infrastructure, releasing an entire year earlier and halo 3. As soon as the PS3 came out people were doom and gloom, but it practically outsold the 360 every single year it was out.


And PS4s success was carried momentum and xbox failure at the beginning. After that it's due to the whole resolution/frame rate and being the more attractive system that will beat the competition even if it costs more.

There's only 2 races: White and 'Political Agenda'
2 Genders: Male and 'Political Agenda'
2 Hairstyles for female characters: Long and 'Political Agenda'
2 Sexualities: Straight and 'Political Agenda'