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Hynad said:
method114 said:

Will just have to agree to disagree. I want more super hero movies but I don't want them like this. I don't want 2-3 huge comic book story lines jammed into a 3-hour session. This movie removed all the greatness from the doomsday storyline and turned it into another generic villian. If this is standard your looking for in super hero movies then you have very low standards. In fact I suspect you would have liked this movie regardless of how bad they destroyed the orginal stories. You seem to be more concerned with having more super movies not having good ones.

You should stick to reading the comics and forget about any other medium if you don't want them to ever be adapted differently.

I'm ok with adapting. So many of the other comic book movies have done a great job. In fact this is the first super hero movie I've complained about when it comes to just taking a dump all over the source material. I just prefer they adapt to make it better not adapt so that you can cram as many story lines as your can into a movie and try and play catch up with Marvel. I have no idea why DC feels they need to hurry up and release the JL. Take your time like Marvel did and release a quality product.