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Big geeking out. SPOILERS ahead. Read only if you've seen the movie.

I really liked the nod to the actual history about how the Death of Superman event happened in 1992.

Back then, they were going to have Clark marry Lois in the comics, but the show Lois and Clark: The New Adventure of Superman was going to do it as well, so they posponed it in the comics, but they had to replace that with something else. So during their brainstorm, the question was asked: "What if Superman died?" That's what lead to the famous Superman #75, in 1992, and how the wedding [in the comics] was posponed until 1996.

That envelop that contains that ring given to Lois at the end by Martha...  It pays homage to that part of Superman's history and I thought it was a really clever nod.