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Self-admitted DC fan, but I also thoroughly enjoy the MCU.
Having said that, this movie was hated on way too much. It started with a handful of critics and it trickled down. Like the fickle public we are, we took the critics as some sort of authority and too many of us had so many negative perceptions before even walking into the theater. It's even gone as far as people unwilling to go and see it until it's out on DVD/BR because they feel WB/DCU didn't put out a worthy product… Without seeing it themselves.

One thing I have an issue with is the vehement negativity regarding the supposed "horrible CGI" throughout the whole movie as many people have said. What horrible CGI throughout the whole movie? For a Snyder movie I thought it was tame. On top of that the most CGI used was by far during the Doomsday sequence and the first full shot of Doomsday I thought he looked great and can think of several other movies where the CGI was sub par compared to Doomsday.

Anyway, I'll be interested in seeing the drop off this next weekend. If it's only going to hit $400 million domestic, then that means the foreign is going to have to rock at $600 million just for this to hit $1 billion. I think that's gonna be hard to achieve.

Anyway, I enjoyed the film. There were so many DC easter eggs in the film that it reached a point where I knew a lot of casual fans and people (most of the audience) might be confused at some points.


Btw, I was an older member on here but had to create a new account. So I didn't create an account just to comment on here lol.