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Batfleck was fantastic. His scenes felt like they were directed completely differently than the rest of the film. The action in those scenes was visceral yet coherent. The acting was top notch between him and irons. They should have done a solo batman film before having him meet superman.

This film as a whole though was completely disjointed. It was 4 movies crammed into 1 trying to set up 3 more movies.

Gadot was flat in both facial expression and delivery. She was only in there to set up her solo film as they barely had her speak and then join the final fight just to have something for the trailer and a trinity shot to linger on. If they NEEDED to have her in there they just should have had the party scene and Bruce send her the pic in a post credits scene.

Eisenberg was as miscast as he seemed at first. Way over the top and clashing with the style of the rest of the film with his approach.

The main flaw is direction. Superman gets the shaft as he gets a random jumble of scenes while batman and lex actually set up the finale. Lois is only there to be put in peril. Doomsday pops out at the last moment and sounds like the cave troll as well as looking like it.

DC should have done a batman solo flick where someone good turns evil. This gets us to care about his character more and allows us to understand why he wouldn't trust Supes. Then get rid of Wonder Woman in the final fight of this film. Have her teased after the credits. Have lex actually be clever and CAUSE something because the world liking superman slightly less did nothing when batman was going to challenge him anyway!

The warehouse fight and bat mobile chase are the highlights. The lowlights are the Nuke scene (which was only there to pay homage to TDKR), the funeral which meant nothing because the only time they had met was to kill each other and the dialogue was terrible and forced at the end, and the doomsday fight which was effects being mashed together with no care or direction and editing that will make you roll your eyes.

Why were Batman and Wonder Woman at his Kansas funeral? One was trying to kill him until 10 minutes before his death and the other spoke like 3 words to him. They didn't know him or have time to care about him. They were just strangers fighting with each other. Such a waste of a moment that should have been saved for WAY down the line when it would have been emotional and the other characters would have had something to care about. DC used all their best guns and they have fallen flat on their face. Now just the B list characters get to join JL and the funny part is their movies will probably all be better than Snyder's lol

I am Iron Man