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While i don't 100% agree with him, i think i should post the Welfare comment about that XBOX trend on Amazon.

Welfare said:

Do I have to repeat myself again.
Amazon will not be an accurate representation of how well the Xbox One is doing for this month and April.
The Gears of War bundle looks to have very low stock, and the next popular sku, the $298 Name Your Game bundle, is currently #104. Pretty bad, right? Yes, for Amazon, not the XB1.

How can that be?
Well, in order to know the future, you must learn from the past.

In March 2015, there was no special deal going on, and the only potential hardware impacting game was Hardline, and that is a big potentially since it only sold ~430k. 236k XB1's were sold that month, or 47,200 units a week (236,000 / 5). In April 2015, there were two noticeable deals. One at Gamestop, which was a $125 Trade in deal, lasting 3 weeks, bringing the XB1 down to $224. The other was a one week deal at Best Buy, and the TiD was $175, making the XB1 $175. These deals actually held the XB1's weekly average going into April. In April 2015, the XB1 sold 187k units, or a weekly average of 46,750 (187,000 / 4). That is a -1% change, when March to April drops are in the 30% range, so that is really impressive.

Now then, what about the present? What did the past have to do with why XB1 sales would slow rapidly at Amazon? Is the XB1 DOOMED?

Well, look down.

Look at that. Just look and study the contents of that pic for just a bit.
Not only is the $50 price drop in effect at Gamestop, there is a $100 trade in deal, bringing the price of a 500GB sku to $199 and a 1TB sku to $249. That combo started on March 21st, and lasts until April 24th, or 2 weeks in the March NPD and 3 weeks in the April NPD.

That is insane, and as this deal spreads around, less and less will look to Amazon to buy an XB1. We are seeing these effects right now. Remember, Amazon represents only a small percentage of the whole video game market in the US, something like 6%. Gamestop is easily at least 5 (most likely more) times as big as them when it comes to sales, so when a big deal like this is done at the biggest retailer for video games and it's in store only, we won't see how well it does until April 14th, the day NPD releases the March results. 

However, we can already see an inkling of this since XB1 Amazon sales have never been this low, and a $50 price cut would not have 0 effect, or even a negative effect, so outside forces have to be at play.