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Swordmasterman said:
Madword said:

I love E3, even though it usually means staying up till 3am in the morning, but I do enjoy it.... unfortunately if Sony's conference is on a Tuesday or wednesday this year, wont be able to watch it in the early morning. Blah.

what is the hour of the Last conference of each day  ?, is from 23.00 PM (USA), to 0.30 AM (USA) ?, where i live is 3 Hours ahead of the USA.

It used to be a wednesday when Nintendo did a conference, but I believe its going to be more confusing this year as a few companies are doing theirs outside of E3... probably to ensure they dont get all their rubbish announcements lost (hey here we have a mobile game..... oh man no one is interested, its not cause its a rubbish game but because people were more excited by the conference two hours before us)...

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!