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Swordmasterman said:
Madword said:
I do wonder about MS's strategy this year, they don't really have many big game titles as of yet, and they'll lose a lot of PR opportunities with not being on the VR bandwagon, and with all the different competition its probably a good thing (perhaps they didnt want another BR and HD situation), but I feel Ms is going to have a bad year this year, and partly because attention is off their console because this years focus is on VR.

So I expect the gap to widen quite a bit this year. Be interesting to see what the big hitters are going to be this christmas, E3 is going to be very interesting.

E3, is aways interesting, and is just 2 and a half month away from E3.

I love E3, even though it usually means staying up till 3am in the morning, but I do enjoy it.... unfortunately if Sony's conference is on a Tuesday or wednesday this year, wont be able to watch it in the early morning. Blah.

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!