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MontanaHatchet said:
I think the real question this thread has made me think about now:

Which fanboys are the biggest elitists?

Well, I'd say that would be PS3 and 360 fanboys, but there is a problem. They try to use elitism as a way to anger Nintendo fanboys. They don't really believe the things they say, and inside they are mentally unprepared for true elitism.

Nintendo fanboys are obviously very pro-nintendo and always use faux-outrage whenever anti-Nintendo articles pop up. Nintendo fanboys always get our way. We even make bigtime buttholes who hate us apologize to us on command, and put Miyamoto as Times most influential man.

Deep down we think that Nintendo systems are the best, but we don't like to throw that around because people get defensive, or at least they should. Nintendo basically invented the arcade cabinet, and the directional pad. They revived gaming when it was dying, and invented the platformer(donkey kong) and rpg(zelda). The invented handheld gaming. How dare Sony try to compete with Nintendo in the market Nintendo itself invented. It's a slap in the face, and everything Sony is taking now, they deserve.

We believe that even if you don't like Nintendo, you should respect them for being the company that made it possible for you to even own a PS3 or a 360, and even though we recognize how awesome other companies "games" are, deep down in our hearts, we know they are all derivitive of Nintendo games and ideas.


...or maybe that's just me.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.