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I think the movie was fine. It's pacing was a bit off in the beginning but things got really good in the second half. To mix Superman's mixed perceptions from the public with Batman's introduction kinda threw me off. The story was not perfect as the transitions from one moment to another didn't go smoothly. I also agree some plot points from Man of Steel and for the upcoming Justice League are shoe horned in instead of being there naturally.

Jesse as Lex didn't really bother me in all honesty. Ben Affleck as Batman/Bruce Wayne was pretty darn good. After years of having Bale speaking like he's choking under the mask as Batman, I like the new Bats. Sure he's uses a little more firearms than I expected but his fights and his interactions with others are solid. Gadot as Wonder Woman is good albeit in such a short amount of time. Although she may not be an intimidating presence, she got her parts right and showed that Wonder Woman is sophisticated, beautiful, fearless, and eager for battle. Henry as Sups, my favorite hero of all time, is solid, though I agree he was a bit wooden in the beginning. I like that he has learned his lessons from his first fight ever in Man of Steel and he tries to harness his powers better, though it may not always work. It's clear we're not dealing with the characters that got ripped straight from the comics. They're loosely based on the comics and given their own set of elements unique for the films.

The action is really great and I got chills seeing the Trinity together for the first time on the big screen. So overall, the film is not perfect, but I can't say I didn't enjoy it. 7/10 from me.