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This is an interesting thread, not from a gaming point but from a technology point, I'm very grateful to have been born when I was, got to experience the Atari 2600 as a very young child, MegaDrive/SNES console wars while I was in Primary school, the PSone/N64 during the birth of the internet, experience what a gaming magazine (with a fucking demo with it Z O M G) Was at a time when it was the best thing ever, so many things are just lost now because of the internet and technology along with them being lost is the appreciation for the things which have gone past.

I remember my first Tape player, pocket with a couple of albums with it, spare AA batteries in my pocket which could be used in either the player or my Gameboy Colour, while it's possible to emulate older generation games... you can never truly emulate the past, even going back on games, when you see a game which was marveled for it's graphics when it launched... you can never experience that now in 2016 when people are getting out their magnifying glass and counting the pixels on screen and using a stop watch to count how long their on screen for....

TL:DR - I'd die happy sooner rather than be born now, I think you can't appreciate how far tech has come if you've never lived during a time when no one... and I mean no one had a mobile phone.

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