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Swordmasterman said:
jason1637 said:

Whenever a new revision comes out consokes sales usally see an increase. As for vr i dont see it selling console. Uncharted 4 and Horizon Zero are the only exclusives that i can see having a big impact in sales but even with those exclusives im not sure ps4 can do 20Ml or more. FF is only a big system seller in Japan and the legs of FF ganes dont impress. 

Last year when tey said that Sony, had not big Exclusives, it sold 18 Millions of units, if it have 12% YOY this year already surpass 20 Millions, and do you really think that 2015 was PS4'S Peak ?, and we are on This chart, you saw in the last few days how Popular the Playstation VR Is, it will indeed move sales, and I'm sure that Playstation VR, alone would be more than enought to push 12% YOY Growth for Playstation 4.

"Final Fantasy is Only a Big System Seller in Japan" How much was the difference between Final Fantasy Type-0 HD for PS4 ?, Type-0 gave a Demo of Final Fantasy XV, for free when you purchased it, but the truth was that Type-0 was a Bonus, and Final Fantasy XV'S Demo the true purchase, on USA, was 5-6 to 1 In favor of the Playstation 4 version, against the Xbox One's Version.

Final Fantasy, is a Worldwide Big System seller, and because in the last 20 Years was a Sony Exclusive game, the Majority of the Fan-base is on Sony's Console, the Xbox's Final Fantasy Fanbase is close to nothing, and a Game, that in his Lowest Selling Main-entry, sold 1.44 Millions on Japan First Week, this means that the Game is a Huge system seller despite having short legs, the game Push a lot of Hardware and Software.

Lets compare to Halo, the Last Halo, sold over 940-980 Thousands First week on USA, against the Lowest Selling Final Fantasy's First Week, it was 1.44 Millions.

Final Fantasy XV, can make the PS4 Sell in 1 week in the same level as of the Launching of the Console, or even more (on Japan), is a Huge Seller.

Again, Dragon Quest, is a little more Popular in Japan than Final Fantasy, and it sold over 65 Millions of units, with nearly the Same number of Main entries, this means that Final Fantasy, must have sold over 55-60 Millions on Japan, but the Total of the Series is 110 Millions, so it sold over 50 Millions Overseas, And you say that is just a System Seller on Japan ?, Dragon Quest, nearly a Japan-only franchise because Enix, before became Square Enix, aways made the Localization for the Western Harder, while Square Soft, since Final Fantasy 3, Saw a potential in the West, and they have invested in the West, if they had chose Enix's Way of things, Final Fantasy's Franchise, would be smaller than Dragon Quest's Franchise.

the players will mainly buy it for Playstation, because who is Fan of Final Fantasy, is fan of either Dragon Quest, Persona, Star Ocean, Tales of, Mana's series, etc, and those franchises are not on Xbox, so is a System Seller.

Sony had bloodborne, the order, uncharted collection which are big exclusives and a bundle for two of the biggest ips cod, and battlefront which helped in the ps4 selling 18ml. I doubt psvr will push ps4 sales up 12% because the persons would have to buy the console and headset which woild cost a lot.

How does comparing type 0 sales in the US between ps4 and zv1 disprove that its only a big system seller in japan? 

Most ff players are on PlayStation but ff13 sold over 2ml on xb360 so there's still a fanbase on xbox.

I dont understand why your comparing different type of games and in different regions. 


So your saying most jrpgs are on PlayStation and that makes FF a system seller? Thats like saying any exclusive is a system seller because its not on an other system which isnt true.

Btw your reply to my post doent really say anything about the ps4.5 which we were talkibg about.