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That's like saying the cell phone is the ultimate hand held entertainment device. No other hand held will ever match it.

Now what about in terms of soft sales?

And what about in terms of number or percentage of PCs that are sufficiently configured to play the current hot games?

If you took all PC sales, the suitable comparison would be all console sales over the last seven generations. Of course the PC would still come out ahead since it includes PCs like office and government PCs never used for gaming, but currently, consoles are selling at a faster rate than PC gaming rigs. Feel free to dig up or crunch some numbers that show otherwise.

I think there's a reason why many formerly exclusive PC developers are shifting some of their efforts to the console market (at the bare minimum, hedging their bets by supporting both markets).

And the day the Wii replaces the PC or PC/console hybrid as the premiere gaming platform is the day I officially become a casual gamer in terms of games purchased and hours played.

But as you said, that day will never come.