maxleresistant said:
I didn't mind the placing probe part, just the managing part that was just a bore. Asfor the impact itself on the city, no I don't think that has a huge impact at all. It's nice though to see more and more pnj, and the evolution of the conversations and relations. The problem with this game, is that there can be too much of a good thing, that's something most hardcore gamers don't really get. I just wished the game had more variety, so yes, for example, less side quests, and the impact of the rest of the side quests, have a greater impact on NLA. Shouldn't be better if the arm manufacturers actually had a manufacture? Why not have some kind of an alien street. You know stuffs like that. there is lot of missed opportunity in this game, and there was just too much of the same thing again and again and again and again and again. Even the stuffs I liked became a huge pain in the ass in the end.
As for the rest of the "nitpicks" they're not nitpicks, they are really big problems that impact the game, but like I said, I would not expect someone that is a JRPG fan to recognised those problems. A lot of people womplained about the menu, the UI and the music. It's not just some nitpick. Seriously, if the next monolith game do the same thing with music, I will definitely not buy it. Anyway, I don't get it why you want to counter my arguments, the topic was, what do you think should be improved in the next game, and then you try to shoot down every thing I think should be improved? So what? You want me to say: "change nothing the game is perfect"? What's the deal here? |
I was mearly trying to figure out in what way "Xenoblade X's sequel needs so much change that the people who wants a sequel will not like it."
You're looking at something that essentially takes a few seconds of a persons time (managing probes) and saying it NEEDS to be changed when the typical way one has to obtain items to upgrade ones shops (I used Metal Gear Solid V as an example) is clearly more of a hassle. I found mining for miranium extremely less intrusive on the experience than other games. Fallout 4 is another example where you essentially have to find level 4 venders that you randomly encounter and recruit them. Also a REAL pain in the neck.
You want more shops open in the game, but why? It would ultimately make buying armor/ect for more of a chore unless all shops offer all the gear, and in that case what's the point?
I also think a mesh of all alien races as far as architecture is going to be a big narative tool to express how much time has passed in the second game. The game in all actuality takes place in less than two and a half months tops (if we assume the city had 100% power to start and two months dropped to 60%).
I was just trying to get your take on what exactly would need to change that would make a sequel off putting for players of the first game. Was their truly a lot actually broken with it that I overlooked. But the real answer is no. There are a lot of "improvements" that could be done (and in some cases I even agree with you), but nothing that really NEEDS to be done.