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All I've bought this year has been Pokemon Yellow and Pokemon Green, Yellow from the eShop and the special edition of Green from Amazon. Don't have a Wii U anymore and there's not much coming on 3DS to interest me from now on, so I'll probably hold off until NX from now.

If it counts, I also got given a Wii with a bunch of GC and Wii games (all pirated, sadly). Have been playing through Pokemon Colosseum and SSBM. Colosseum definitely holds up still, it's great. Melee on the other hand... I love it so much and I really want it to be great, but it just isn't anymore. It's controls are too dodgy for me to call it a classic; brilliant for it's time though. (Music and stages are still great too; Fountain of Dreams, Poke Floats and Great Bay return in the next Smash please Sakurai.)