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Protendo said:
endimion said:
Out of all the PC gamers that play on their TV I wonder how many actually are married or live with their girlfriend and play on their living room TVs not a second screen in a men cave... I have a shit ton of PC gamers friends and the only one doing it are single and amongst the married or in couple one even the one with gamer chicks don't have their rig hooked to the living room TV they have a computer room with each their rigs...their console on the other hand are 90% of the time hooked to the main TV... So he has a point this is by far the norm... Pretty sure he can afford better rigs and set up than all of us but also setups that are not even on the market and at the prototype stage... So stop braging about PC master race like he doesn't wtf he is talking about... If anything MS and MS R&D joined with other actors of the gaming market are the gods of that race...

That is the stupidest stereotype I have ever seen on a gaming form, and I don't even think you believe it.

I bet my cojones on that shit with my hands up in the air... Heck I MYSELF wouldn't want a fugly gaming PC hook up to my living room TV where I have guests and even worst children around..... And K/M gaming on the couch without a board that is even more cumbersome is absolutely horrendous...

now in my men cave or when I'll have a dedicated Home theatre room why not... But anybody sane with no complete lack of class in home decorating wouldn't have a wart like that in their living room.... More so if a lady is around... Again my cojones on a plate any day on that one...