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Moving some Xbone games to PC doesn't "devalue" the Xbox brand. Hell, it should bring in even more revenue since you have a whole new crowd of people to sell software to and get on your service. It's as silly as saying Sony has a console and a handheld, the handheld must be devaluing the console. Of course, it doesn't.

"console gamers want the console to keep its exclusives" ... why? I already own an Xbone, why do I give a shit if its exclusives go to another Microsoft platform? Or any platform in general? Are the games better if they are exclusive? It doesn't make an ounce of difference. It's nothing more than console warz. So apparently there are legions of gamers who were right on the fence of buying an Xbone but now are scurrying away to their gaming rigs to buy the same games there.. how is this bad for MS? How is it bad for someone who owns an Xbox One? How is it bad for someone who owns a PC capable of playing the games? Seems win for MS, win for PC gamers, and nothing changes for Xbone gamers.