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"I'm not trying to trick you into buying an Xbox One for what I'm doing."

He continued: "I was actually asked by somebody, 'Did you do Forza 6: Apex as a way of teasing the PC gamers with how good Forza is so they'll go buy an Xbox One?' No. That's not the plan.

"So they might not [buy an Xbox One]," Spencer said. "And I want that to be OK."

"I think there's something very unique about playing console games on my television," he said, "10 feet away, with a controller in my hand, you and I sitting next to each other, either playing against each other or playing with each other — that is different from playing on my PC gaming rig sitting from 2 feet away playing with a keyboard and mouse or even a controller," he said.

According to Spencer, Microsoft's unique position in both the PC and console markets affords the company opportunities to blur the line between the two platforms.

"This way," he said, "when you go and you buy [PC and Xbox One games], you're not gonna feel like you're dealing with disconnected islands that don't understand what games you own, or where you are in those games, or what your achievements are in those games and what you play with, but that instead [we] put you as the gamer at the center of our platform and build our platforms around you."