I call shenigahans! I just beat the last chapter of this game and I am left with more questions than answers. In a matter of fact I probably do not have any answers either! I did not spend countless hours on this game to just have the story just end like that.
-------------------------Spoilers Below-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- How is the Lifefold still functioning if it was flooded?
-How is everyone able to understand everybody?
- Why does everyone crash at Mira?
-WTF happened to Yelv in tht last affinity mission?
- Oh an does everyone get their bodies back? So far I see a no. Will they ever?
-Who was the other Race that attacked Earth?
-Who is the Great one? What is the story behind Vita?
- What happened to the Ganglion creators???
----------------------Spoilers End--------------------------
I have too many questions. I do not like this. This is not some TV show like Lost where they explain it in the Next Season. No I will probably have to wait 5 years for a sequel to come out at minimum. By time those 5 years pass I will be too old to play 100+ hour RPGs. I might have a huge personality change and start hating on RPGs. Am I the only one to think there should be a sequel? That's a stupid question of course I am not.
Last edited by killeryoshis - 4 days ago