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binary solo said:
SFV, why is not showing PC as well? Is it only available digitally for PC, so NPD can't track any of its sales?

So NPD has SFV>200K according to neogaf sources, and at #7 on the chart. VGC has SFV at 247K and #2 on the chart. The actual sales nujmbers will be reasonably close, but other things sold much better.

Fire Emblem quite over tracked it would seem.

GTAV, what a beast.

Glad to see Naruto charting decently. I certainly prefer that game over SFV.

Fire emblem is undertracked. 


eff Grub is on fire on twitter with NPD infos

-Naruto outsold SFV on the PS4
-Farcry Primal is outselling FC4 when aligning launches
-Counting all Sku's Fire Emblem was #3