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Why are people mentioning sequels?

Also, I would put Mass Effect up there with UC and Gears.

The funny thing is Uncharted:DF was only a modestly received and OK selling game. It became a generation defining franchise with Uncharted 2.

The problem we have with finding something new and amazing is that the technological leap between 7th and 8th gen was not as great as between 6th and 7th gen. This makes it harder to make games that are generation defining in the way of bringing something obviously big and new to console gaming that just was not there in the 7th gen. In many ways, the 8th gen is really just the 7th gen with better graphics.

Is Horizon going to be a whole lot different to Skyrim in their core elements? The world might be more detailed with cooler robot monsters. But ultimately it doesn't look like being a genre or generation defining game. Perhaps it will being something new and amazing to the table, but I'm thinking it will simply be a great game that still fits quite neatly into the open world RPG box.

In some what what could define this generation is the evolution of indie games that have a AAA look and feel. No Man's sky looks to be a bit like that. Made by a 15 person indie studio, but has big ambitions and has a AAA look about it. Can smaller studios put out AAA type content on a budget? If they can put out AAA type games at a fraction of the AAA dev costs and put them on the market for $30 or $40 then that really shakes up the industry. I know No Man's Sky is a full $60 retail release but there's a lot of scope for big and bold indie games to come in at a lower price.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix