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Nautilus said:
TimCliveroller said:

Are you really not getting it? It had the spark. I feel like you're trying to find logic flaws everywhere... but there is not - and there is not when you see the spark. When that game came out people had erractions (as in real ones... there's a youtube video I think about it)

You dont.... make much sense.Its like if someone asked you "what is 1+1 equal to?" and you answer:" its like when two universes collides and and comets fly everywhere!"You just dont give a straight answer.

To the post at hand, from what I gather, is that you dont think there is a game int hsi genre that makes you say  OH MY GOSHHHH, like Ocarina of time did to me.The problem with your reasoning is that that is subjective.While you may find the game bad, others may find it awesome.In that sense, you will never arrive at the answer you want

Well, you see - there is a point where some games reach critical mass - they beat the aging process, they beat the graphical errudites, they beat the standard reviews, they transcend consumerism, yet they sell well enough - they become collectively special (no denying there is a threshold to it - but you cannot define it: only the hearts of people and money spent by collectors could do it). Then, somekind of magic link is created between those games and their corresponding generation of consoles - and bang - there you have it - the unit

Ex Graphics Whore.