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Frankly, here is why this game is meh from a hype perspective:

1. A lot of people hate vehicles being forced upon them. You can do just as much interesting stuff on the ground as you can do in a vehicle. It requires the learning of two control schemes, it requires that we get excited about "customizing" a vehicle. This is a platformer(we thought) us, the platforming audience, won't be as open to vehicles as the FPS audience. It's not just the same thing from a faster perspective. It's a more boring thing, from a dissapointing perspective.

2. Ugh, user generated content. In other words, to get the best out of this game, which is classically an awesome single player game, I gotta get online, or play the crap I or my friends "drew." You claim that developers make content rigid, I prefer to think they make it good. A few exceptions, Counterstrike, however, I have a feeling the guys that made that game weren't your usuall XBL kids. I want some story, some linearity, and some pacing to my single player games, made by a professional, not user generated content. I only go for that when I'm playing computer and I need an addon for WoW. I am NOT open to user generated content, much less the fact that I need to download it. That's not genius. It's standard in your new platformers who can't compete on a traditional level because it's too hard.

3. The whole 80 percent thing really screws me up. In my head I think, platformer, cool, like em when they're really good, but not my favorite genre. Platformer with vehicles. Heh, alright. Well, they add some stuff in there to mix it up. Vehiclier with platforming. Eat me. No way in hell.

Who knows, this could be the greatest game ever made. However, right now, it looks bad, and I'm not just "unexcited" about this game, I'm downright out for vengance that Rare had the gaul to try to pass this unoriginal vehicle based bullcrap off as a challenger to Mario. Whatever.

I'm gonna go ahead and guess this game will be over-rated at an 8/10.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.