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Hiku said:
Azzanation said:

Think what you like. No one here has proven me wrong, the problem, is when I list facts fans change the subject, much like what you’re doing right now instead of answering my post with a reply to my question.

So when you asked what Sony has done to support the development of SFV, and that you see nothing, and when I listed several of those things, and you ignored me and stopped posting in the thread, that was you listing facts, and me changing the subject?
Or when you made the topic about how nice Microsoft are to share Minecraft games with other consoles after they acquired Mojang, specifying Minecraft Story Mode, and I listed a quote from the developer from Telltale Games about how they said the deal was struck before MS acquired the studio and could not prevent it from being released on multiple consoles even if they wanted to, and you ignored me and stopped posting in the thread, that was you listing facts, and me changing the subject?

I can go on and on as you've done this to me as well on numerous occasions.

As for your argument regarding WiiU and exclusives, it's always been a matter of value. If a console costs 100000 and only has 5 good exclusives, no one will buy it. If it costs 1000 and has 5 good exclusives, a few will buy it. If it costs 100 and has 5 good exclusives, many more will buy it.
WiiU has it's problems from the fundamental inception of the console. And this varies from console to console, as for example successful Playstation consoles tend to get many third party games as exclusives automatically, which increases the rate of purchasers who bought it because of an exclusive.
What that ratio is exactly no one knows, but we do know that multiplat games tend to sell more. And that's for pretty obvious reasons. There are many more multiplatform developers than there are developers who dedicate themselves to one platform. But exclusives are certainly important when it comes to being a tie breaker. Why get console A instead of console B? Some have mentioned "because their friends got a certain console." Well then the question is, why did those friends get the console and not the other one? Usually it comes down to games. But that's providing the console gives you with good value for your money.


Not sure what you’re talking about. I am not on here every day because I actually have a life to attend to. And most times I don’t even check my replies due to the amount of useless twisting answers I get. No you have not yet proven me wrong. I don’t even know who you are and can’t even remember you replying to my posts. You’re entitled to think what you like. But while we are at it, let me prove you wrong.

What facts are you listing? I am not interested in your assumptions on what you think Sony has done on SFV or care about what you think Telltale games said about Minecraft story mode. In fact if you think I am wrong about MS sharing exclusives I think you’re batting for the wrong team now as you can see many more of their exclusives are becoming multi plats so again your point in invalid.

MS clearly said it’s up to Rare if Rare’s Replay hits WiiU Twitted “Suggest it to the great folks at @RareLtd” MS isn’t stopping Rare’s Replay from hitting the WiiU, Rare is. Spin that all you want. That’s the facts stated by MS.

MS own Mojang, they can do what they like with the deal, and the difference is they still allowed it to happen. There not like Sony, they don’t care. Infact I think there grateful it’s on PS3/4. Making money on their competitors consoles.

Another fact that you choose to ignore, MS has allowed a WiiU version of Minecraft… That’s right they allowed Minecraft on the WiiU after they purchased Mojang. Would Sony do that? No. Are MS sharing Minecraft to the world? Yes. My point is valid and still stands and yours does not. And you claimed you proved me wrong? Lol ok than.

As for SFV, Sony only funded SFV, they didn’t help develop it. They published the game and offered there services to Capcom (Like MS or Nintendo wouldn’t) Believe what you wish. Pretty sure Sony doesn’t want their name on SFV with the reviews its getting anyway. As for the gamers, we don’t see what Sony has done, the game has had one of the poorest launches to date. Where was the help? I don’t see it. It feels as if Sony just gave them money to rush the project out the door so they can have an appearance at EVO.


I am use to the spinning and going off topic, this is not a surprise and I am not hear to debate other forum posts on someone else’s article. Anyway back on topic.

Your ratio is wrong on so many levels and is nothing more than a clear assumption to what you think. I stated facts, look up the best-selling PS4 games and count how many 1st party exclusives are in the top 10. Yup it’s clear everybody is buying a PS4 for their 1st party exclusives…… (Sarcasm)

Now you’re saying Gamers are buying WiiU exclusives but not the console. That’s the bloody point from the start. No one is buying a WiiU for its amazing 1st party exclusive except those who own a WiiU because there’s not much else on offer. I love Nintendo but the fact is, Mario Kart sells so well because what other racing games do they have? Splatoon sells well because what shooters is it competing with? Exactly nothing. There amazing games but again 1st party exclusives isn’t selling the WiiU because it lacks the main part of the industry and that’s 3rd party. Maybe NX will be different and compete again on those terms. The facts are what I stated.


Apologise to those who had to read this.