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hershel_layton said:
sc94597 said:

Never mentioned Africa(and the Middle East) for that reason. They still have decades of stability issues to get resolved first. That is a problem for the 22nd century. But for now Asia and Latin America are stabilizing and developing quite well. 

that is true. I'm glad we have allowed China to take a lot of the jobs Americans don't want to do(factories and such). It's a win win, with us gaining products, while they can have a job with a decent amount of pay. 


Once TPP, TIPA and TFA (I think) pass you'll probably have a different viewpoint. The removal of trade tariffs will provide cheaper imports sure but the more homegrown material that is exported for other countries to produce in a cheaper manner = the more homegrown businesses will suffer (and jobs drop)

#1 Amb-ass-ador