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Exclusives are designed for a specific hardware and the devs doesn't need to worry about optimizing the game to work on all platforms which means the overall quality on exclusives tend to be better polished with better in-game graphics. If witcher wasn't a multiplat, we would have gotten the first original version before they downgraded it, instead of the one where buildings and other things got degraded. So exclusives are actually a good thing.


What is the point with several devices if them all offered the same games? The strongest but cheapest platform would completely destroy the other platforms and they would go bankrupt.. Without exclusives, the competition between them would be downgraded into redundant war over shit which doesn't even matter. If ur solution is equal power, equal service and the same games, the point in buying one over the other is 100% based on design and controller, Sony will sell uncharted on XB and Microsoft would sell Halo on PS, which is weird, cuz if People care about one of those games, that is the platform they buy, so basically it doesn't really make a difference on how things are now.


PSN: Opticstrike90
Steam: opticstrike90