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palou said:

Why do people think that illegal immigrants would have such a negative impact on the economy? They don't receive social benefits but do contribute sales taxes. On the other hand, a good relationship with mexico (easy flow of wares) is crucial) the american car industry would crumblep evn faster without it.

While illegal imigrants are technically not allowed to receieve many welfare benefits (though they can in several states), the administration has lowered a lot of the security around this making it very easy to defraud the system (or illegal immigrants with a citizen child).

Immigrants (legal and illegal) (51%), particularly from Mexico and Cental America (73%), do use a disproportionately high level of welfare compared to the native population (30%).




That being said, I am not a Trump supporter, nor do I agree with him on immigration (actually, it would be hypocritical of me). I do think making welfare a citizens-only thing, however, could reduce many concerns with immigration, save the US taxpayer a bunch of money, and help to only attract the "right" kind of immigrants (ie, the traditional kind, who will work for their incomes).