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-Federation Force has been in developement since 2009. I'm so confused. Did it really need that much developement time?
-Why is the Revelation part of FE Fates avalible only for special edition? WHat if I can't find any? There is NO reason for this. And we still don't know if the european version will have all of those problems the american has.
-Nice news for Kirby, I knew they would use the Triple Deluxe engine once again. I'll pass on this, though.
-SMTxFE looks amazing. Shame I don't have a WiiU.
-Why did Nintendo leave the Atlus and NIS 3DS games with the Nindies? Dragon Quest and Monster Hunter got their part. Advertise Stella Glow a bit more, I'm fearing a bomb bigger than S.T.E.A.M. in Europe.
-Nice to see news on Project Guard, but it should have been part of Starfox Zero, not an eShop title.
-News about Flipenote! And Rythm Heaven! I thought those would never come!

6/10. Nothing really new for me. But the leak already spoiled the Direct for me. At least I'll be able to preorder the Fates special edition now.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

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